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Projects Completed



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Our Services


Stay under budget without compromising the quality of your project with our offshoring services. Let us explore our global database of experienced tech talent to find the right fit for your needs.


Benefit from the close geographical proximity, cultural fit, and language proficiency of the LATAM region. Hire technology experts in a similar time zone with our nearshoring services.


Our onshoring services enable you to recruit the best talent across the United States, whether for short-term contracts or to expand your in-house team.

Why choose us?

Diverse Talent

From remote staffing to direct hires, our global talent network is your gateway to unparalleled project success.


With services like Co-pilot CTO and QA as a service, we're not just filling positions; we're enhancing capabilities.

Efficiency and

Our commitment to rapid delivery and cost-efficiency means your projects move forward without compromise.

Commitment to Excellence

Our talent is not just skilled; they're nurtured for growth, innovation, and integration into your teams.

We’ve got
you covered.

Begin a transformative journey in staffing solutions with Allshore, as we usher in a new era of talent acquisition tailored for both global and local markets. Our carefully curated services and solutions are designed to propel your projects beyond the conventional boundaries of industry standards.

Featured Technology Solutions

ADA Compliance Services

Focus on accessibility by conducting thorough website audits, providing remediation, and offering ongoing monitoring to maintain compliance. Meet ADA requirements while promoting an inclusive digital environment.

  • Comprehensive Audits
  • Expert Remediation
  • Ongoing Monitoring

Co-pilot CTO as a Service

Allshore provides strategic guidance and expert oversight for your projects, navigating the complexities of tech leadership to keep your projects aligned with your goals.

  • Strategic Leadership
  • Expert Oversight
  • Goal Alignment

QA as a Service

Elevate your product quality through comprehensive testing services that integrate seamlessly into your development lifecycle, improving the overall quality of your software products.

  • Enhanced Product Quality
  • Lifecycle Integration
  • Outcome Improvement

How can we help?



Share your project needs and challenges with us, allowing our experts to understand your unique requirements.



Based on your needs, we craft a tailored staffing or solution strategy, incorporating the right mix of offshoring, nearshoring, or contract staffing.



We then introduce you to your new team or solution, ensuring seamless integration with your projects and processes.


Support & Scale

With continuous support and the flexibility to scale, we ensure your projects are always ahead of the curve.
A company of the primero family

Our Clients

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

"AIlshore has people who are in the chat room all the time; you can't get much better than that. Customer service is a strength, as is the way they handle all the backend work. We don't have to worry about their schedules, counting their hours, or anything like that, which we had to do with everyone else. Because there is always somebody there, there is always someone who is accountable."

Vicki Baccetta
Project Manager SurferNETWORK

"Their uniqueness is their Oklahoma office. Having that resource there is unique and advantageous to have. Without that office here, you don't really have a course of action if you had an issue. With offshore, you have a problem with accountability. If an issue is not addressed by the developer or an immediate manager, you can call the Oklahoma office, and they will take action. It improves communication and accountability."

Neer P
Project Manager - Company Confidential

“In my career, before starting my own business, I was a manager for IBM in their consulting and services business. So I have experienced many offshore development resources and approaches. Al!shore is by FAR the best and I would say the only one that both saves money AND provides more skilled resources. I will never again consider using offshore resources that aren't working during my working hours and aren't thoroughly vetted like with Allshore.”

Barry Cox
Sky Run Vacation Rentals