How do I keep my remote developer from stealing my code?
Code theft is a risk with any development team, and definitely a concern when working with remote teams. We understand understand the protection of your code is vital to the success of your business. Whether you’re a startup or already thriving in the market, protecting your source code is crucial.
Let’s suppose you have an amazing idea for a business startup, and now are looking for a software developer that can help bring this epic idea to life. However, you need to bring in developers that will have access to your code. This access makes it easy for them to mix and re-deploy your code for their own benefit or sell it to someone else.
Worst case, you’re not protected and a rogue employee swipes your code. What happens next? Here are a few guidelines that can help you protect product and business against theft. These are our recommendations whether you’re a new startup protecting your product or an established business safeguarding from competitors.
Non-Compete Agreement
A firm non-compete agreement will prevent your employees and business partners from leaving your company and establishing their own rival product.
We recommend finding a legal team, company, or program that can help put together an agreement like this to ensure full accountability of your employees and provides security for your source code.
The thought of your code being stolen can be scary, but there are definitely ways to safeguard your product and business. If handling these legal documents solo sounds like too much, Allshore has thorough non-compete agreements, an NDA, and foolproof legalization to keep your code safe. We are here to work with you to keep your code safe and to help you find dependable developers!
Tune in next week to find out which project management software is best for your business!